Friday, June 25, 2010

Finally long

I got really lucky today with the weather. It said it was 80 degrees when I woke up at 4:30 but I don't believe it. It had to be low 70s or high 60s, but the humidity was so much less than in the past few days. Tim and I went down to the quarry from World Street first and then looped back up to the car through campus to get water. After that we did a hospital loop. Pretty simple, nicely done. A little disappointed with the last couple of splits, I looked at my watch and saw a lot of time under 6:00/mile, but I guess it didn't average out in the end.

Tim went 2 more, and I could have joined him, but I figured that my first long run in two weeks and first one over 16 in months would be enough to get me through the day. The pace felt easy pretty much the entire time, but the last 5 minutes or so I was getting pretty tired. It feels good to run like that though; I need to get out of this shell of a former man that I've been living in since March.

Denver tomorrow. Maybe I'll run, but definitely Sunday. Elevation, here I come!

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