2013 has come to an end. I went for a 2 mile walk yesterday with Henry while KC ran at Riverview Park. Come 2014 and I will find myself in the pool and maybe on a bike... maybe.
After Chicago last year, I said I was going to divert some of my attention away from running. Looking at the mileage I ran in 2013, it is clear that I succeeded. I only ran 2121.74 miles in 2013, an average of 5.8 a day. I only had 303 "activities" on Garmin Connect, some of which would be multiple activities from one day's run, like a race with warm-up and cool-down. I averaged 7.0 miles per activity.
I did not race much either-- just 5 times. My first race of the year was on Memorial Day. That's almost 5 whole months into the year without a race. The first three were run at less than 100% because of injuries. I am actually very pleased with the 4 miler result, as I ran intelligently and performed well as a result. But still, it was a very thin year for me. I don't see 2014 being that much different, honestly.
May 27 - Civitans 10K - 2nd place, 34:09 (5:29 pace)
June 16 - Men's 4 Miler - 5th place, 21:17 (5:19 pace)
July 4 - Heritage 5 Miler - 2nd place, 27:28 (5:29 pace)
November 28 - Turkey Trot 5K - 8th place, 15:52 (5:06 pace)
December 14 - Three Bridges Marathon - 2nd place, 2:39:43 (6:05 pace)
The year was bookended by injuries in my left foot. It was highlighted by the birth of my son. That is really all that matters. I found out yesterday that I have a stress fracture and will be taking the next 6 weeks off. So like January 2, 2013, I will be at the pool on January 2, 2014.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Twenty-Four Bridges Marathon
I ran the Three Bridges Marathon this past Sunday. If you want to read about it, scroll way down because there is plenty of backstory coming your way first.
Unfortunately, my time in October 2012 wouldn't last until the sign-ups for a 2015 race, so I found myself without a Boston Qualifier. Not a problem, as Parker Lewis would say. The qualifying time of sub-3:05 isn't an issue for me. I just needed to find a race to run. Enter Three Bridges. It is in Charlottesville, it is an easy course that is advertised as being a Boston qualifier, and I would likely be able to round up some company for different segments of the race since Ragged Mountain volunteers at the event. I think I made this decision sometime in the late spring, certainly before the Men's 4 Miler. But with the anticipated crowds in Boston in the years to come following the bombing, I worried about getting in with just a qualifying time. Luckily, a few years ago they started an early registration period. Runners with a BQ of 20+ minutes faster than the standard could sign up 2 days early. So that was my goal. 2:44:59. 6:17 pace. Not a problem, I thought. I remember I was particularly cocky about it early on in this thought process, to the point that I think I actually offended some of my more marathon-novice teammates. Oh well. It shouldn't be hard to run a 2:45 when you've run 2:26 recently enough. Eventually, I realized that running a 2:45 would be very easy if I were in 2:26 shape, which wasn't going to happen. I was having a baby and training was not going to completely dominate my fall. So I settled on getting into something like 2:35 shape or something else arbitrary and decided I could do this off of 16 weeks of training.
Now, you marathon beginners, don't read this next part and think "Hey I should try to run a marathon like that." It's not smart. I'll list my mileage for each of the 17 weeks (since the race was postponed) and include in parenthesis the longest run of that week-- be it a workout or a long run.
56.11 (12.52), 52.30 (15.04), 58.61 (16.22), 37.26 (10.33), 34.27 (12.34 - workout), 45.92 (10.61 - workout), 52.72 (16.20), 58.21 (18.42), 55.51 (18.35), 52.30 (21.63), 57.78 (20.09), 49.24 (18.49), 50.16 (22.34), 49.46 (18.01), 46.58 (12.25), 31.94 (10.45), 54.44 (26.2 - race).
That is 842.81 miles in 17 weeks. Contrast that to the 17 weeks prior to Chicago where I ran 1,171.07 miles. I had 9 days off in those 17 weeks with 7 of them in a row while on vacation. So kind of only 2 days off while training for Chicago. I took 22 off for Three Bridges. Anyway, the point is, I did not train very hard.
So who wants to hear about the race? Ok, maybe soon. Last week the race got postponed and I realized that my blog had lost 40% of its readership when two people texted me this week to ask me how it had gone. So I "trained" for one more week, including two runs with the jogging stroller, and was starting to wonder how long my "fitness" was going to hold up. I hadn't done anything hard since the Turkey Trot. Hopefully suffering through a 5k at 5:06 pace would be a good indicator that I could run 6:17 pace for close to 3 hours. Aside from the fact that I had to continue to run for another week instead of staying home with my baby and eating nachos all week while studying for my exams, the biggest blow from the race delay was that Charlie Hurt wasn't going to be able to pace me during the last half of the race. I would certainly miss my best friend, and his shoes are big ones to fill.
I arrived at the race site at 6am and was one of the first few cars there. I was directed to park at the far end of the White Hall Vineyards property and then began the almost three-quarters mile walk to the portapotties. Using my cell phone as a light, I relieved myself and caught a ride back to the parking area with some strangers who were smarter than I am and stopped at the bathroom on their way in and then were able to park closer to the starting line by arriving at the parking area later. The early bird caught no worm today. So then I walked back to my car and changed into my warm up clothes and warmed up back to the bathrooms again. I returned to my car barely 10 minutes before race time and was in a frenzy. I hadn't eaten a gel, I wasn't dressed and didn't have on the right shoes. I'd hoped Mark was still parked at the Vineyard to catch a ride, but he was gone already. Luckily someone was driving around offering rides to people and I threw my bag in his car and rode with him and some other strangers (who were lucky enough to sit on each others' laps in the back) to the starting area/bag drop location. After some confusion involving where bags go, I was dressed and on the starting line ready to go. After some debriefing and hoopla at the line, the race was off.
The race started and soon enough, we had reached the critical 1/2 mile marker in 3:14. Rachel was worried that we'd gone out too fast despite having been dropped hard by Dave Hryvniak and Charlie Ban. I think there may have been another person or two in front of us at the time, but I forget. Passing the cars, I saw several had left their lights on inside. I felt bad for them and wondered if they would stop to turn them off if they noticed. Rachel, being far more altruistic than I am, wondering if she should try to turn them off for them. I asked Rachel how long she was going to run with me and she was unwilling to commit to a number, simultaneously fearing and embracing the unknown that was our quest. It was at this point that I realized that the race was about to be a total disaster... I'd forgotten to put Body Glide onto my upper body! I couldn't stop at my car to get it because, a) I didn't have my keys and b) the Body Glide was in my bag (with my key.) This didn't end up being a problem during the race, but it has certainly made showering a problem for the past few days since... Past the cars we found ourselves under attack by two loose dogs. My company at the time assured me that she was a dog whisperer, but it didn't sound like a whisper to me when the dog was barking and biting at our heals. This distraction almost caused me to slip on the lightly snow-covered dirt road, but I managed to hold my ground and not ruin the day in the first mile.
That mile was reached in 6:31 and I was satisfied. The second mile was rolling dirt hills followed by a long descent down to Sugar Hollow Road, where I'd spend the next several hours of my life. I missed the marker out of ignorance or excitement by the crowd welcoming us to the playground and headed west for the first of my four trips towards 2/3 of the race's namesake and a bright orange cone marked "4/10/16/22". Rachel and I hit the 3 mile mark in 12:31, indicating that our pace had picked up somewhere, but that we were also right where we belonged. This mile marker comes at the base of a small hill and would ultimately be the one mile most resembling my intended pace throughout the morning. We were running in 3rd place, and after crossing the western-most bridge the second time, we were overwhelmed by two unusually warm pockets of air. We both noticed it and commented on how strange it was, but that was the last I'd feel it. We saw the race leaders, Dave and Charlie, coming back to us, and Dave had a small lead.
Around the cone and 6:12 for mile 4, I was happy. Rachel said that we should slow it down as the miles heading east would be easier and faster, so we should be careful. The pre-race information sheet even said the same thing, so it must have been true. Heading back up the hill, we ran a 6:02, so I found myself inclined to agree with her! Before the next mile, we picked up Seth coming through the finish line area. Just before mile 6, there was a woman reading a book in a chair on the side of the road. I asked her what page she was on, and decided that she would be an excellent distractor during the race to keep myself in check. So she was on page 219 as we hit a 6:08 6th mile. I was a little bit concerned that we were running so far under pace and encouraged my entourage to scale it back a little bit. Approaching the eastern bridge, Seth and Rachel took the lead and let me slip onto their shoulders for some drafting. We saw that Dave's lead on Charlie had decreased a little bit as we headed towards the 7th mile. Being my first trip East that morning, I had no idea how quickly this mile was coming and I forgot that I wanted to take a gel. Having 3 GUs in my back pocket was a little uncomfortable on the starting line, so Rachel was carrying one for me. When I announced that I needed to take one (more for myself than to anyone else), she was anxious to give it to me and had trouble getting it opened. Now, I'm not completely helpless and could have opened it myself, but again, I said that Rachel is very selfless and actually stopped to get someone to open it for her before handing it to me. The whole ordeal was a bit over the top and I'm happy to say that the rest of my supplements didn't require such an effort throughout the day.
Shortly after this turnaround, Rachel decided that she'd had enough of these fast miles and decided she was going to join Nicole's pace group instead. I was not long without a third amigo, however, as when we arrived at the starting line area, Alec joined the party. I informed him that we'd just run an 6:06 8th mile and that the woman who was reading had somehow mysteriously not known what page she was on when we ran by. She fumbled for an answer and started flipping pages trying to figure it out. Seth and I didn't know what to think of it; was she embarrassed of her reading speed? Either way, my measurement standard was out the window. Running away from the finish area and towards the hill at mile 3/9/15/21, we finally found our pace! 6:17 for mile 9! Hooray! I was satisfied to have built a large buffer for my pace and happy to be settling into my planned running speed. The three of us headed across the western bridge and saw that Dave and Charlie were now running even with each other. We encouraged them to work together, but I was letting my imagination run wild with the possibility of the two of them hammering each other to bits, leaving me to pick up the pieces over the last 10k and roll away with the victory. Then all of the sudden we ran another 6:05! What the heck?! How come we can't run slower?
Well, we've reached 10 miles now in 62 flat, 55 seconds ahead of schedule. Not bad, a good cushion for when I expected to inevitably blow up at the end and start walking or something. The next three miles are uneventful as we head East to the half-way point. My reader isn't reading her book anymore and we cruise through in 6:03, 6:06, and 6:05. As we get towards the end, we see that Charlie Ban has taken sole possession of the lead and that Dave has fallen very far back. It must have been a rough few miles for him since mile 10. It occurs to me all of the sudden that we're almost half-way through, and I feel like we've only just started to run. That's the beauty of the marathon though... Alec jumps ship to go help Dave out and Seth and I pick up Cass at mile 13. Cass had already been on the course earlier taking some photos, and provided some new energy in the group with tales of his Saturday night escapades.
The next mile was by far the hardest. I started to feel a pain behind my left knee that I was unfamiliar with, and my left foot was starting to feel the burn of the pavement. I kept this to myself as we headed up the hill to pick up Cass again, and then it made perfect sense as to why I was in pain... sub-6. I did not want to run any sub-6 miles today, but there I was at mile 17 with a 5:57. I told my three amigos that we needed to back off. So heading into the finish area, Seth said goodbye and we picked up Lee at Mile 18 (two miles earlier than I was expecting him!), which we reached in a more controlled 6:03.
Going back out east, the leader was even further ahead than before. This was when I really accepted the fact that I wouldn't be winning this race. I mean, I'd already accepted that the day before and the weeks before when I found out that Dave was going to run it and run it hard, so it wasn't that big of a concession. Still, you get out there and things happen, and now I really felt like I was running for second place. (Spoiler alert: third place ran 3:23.)
Mile 19 would be the last mile with Cass and Alec. Rounding that cone for the second to last time after an accelerated 5:55, I felt a really big pull in my right hamstring. I actually hobbled through the next few strides to regain my composure, as this was not what I wanted to happen. I knew I was way ahead of things and told myself that it would be OK to slow down if I needed to so that I wouldn't cramp up badly and could at least finish the race. Heading back in, Lee and I wondered where Nicole was. We didn't notice her on our way through mile 20 (6:05) and assumed that the marathon had claimed another RMR runner.
Mile 21 had been my slow mile all day long. I don't know what it was the first time, but then I'd run 6:17 and 6:18 on my other two passes. This time was a 6:03. Better. 5 to go. Going into the penultimate cone, I did not want to cramp up, so I backed off as I approached it and pretty much walked around it in a 6:07. I tell Lee that we've just missed the Olympic Trials "A" standard by running 2:15:03, regardless of the fact that we still have 4.2 miles to go. Geez, that is daunting. OK, good, those are all the slow miles, out of the way. Running east is faster, so let's go. Over the western-most bridge for the last time, my shoe came untied. I'd been watching it for miles and this is just when it happened. Great. I'm going to have to fix that. Back up the hill for the last time to mile 23, 5:46! Nice! Perfect time to stop and tie the shoe, since I just earned some cushion. Lee took my gloves so that I wouldn't have to waste extra time while stationary and we were back on the move. Going through the finish area, I felt like I was finally running, and I was just focused! The next time I'd see this place, I'd be finished.
Half-marathon runners are walking around on the course now, some heading back to their cars after the tailgating. I hit mile 24 in 5:53, including a break to tie my shoe. I should have clocked that too, just so I'd know how fast I actually ran that mile in. If I were really racing, I'd be finished already. Over the eastern bridge, cars are coming behind me trying to leave, but I take the tangent in front of them. Hit me now if you want to, I dare you. I tell Lee that I'm going to walk around the cone at 25 just because I can feel the lateral motions catching up with me and my right quad is starting to lock up too. The chalk arrows on the ground all morning have been directing us to go clockwise around the cone, directions I've obeyed on the East side up until this point. My obvious flight to the right confuses the volunteers, who start shouting at us curious as to whether we're race participants or not. I ignore them, split another 5:43, come to a complete stand-still, and then slowly lurch back forward like an earthworm inching across the sidewalk. Last one. Let's go. The gloves are coming off. Literally.
Despite the tremendous tightness in my legs and a terrible burning on the bottom of my left foot, I really want to run fast for this last mile. But the cramps are too powerful. Several times I felt pulls like I was a puppet on a string holding me back, driving my knees in the wrong direction. I dialed it back a little and just tried to get to mile 26. It went by rather slowly in 5:56, and I decided to try again. I surged a little, with Lee running stride-for-stride, but then the real pull came in my right leg. If anyone was watching, they would have seen me jump straight up. But the finish line was too far away and no one could tell. I hobbled through the last 400 meters, trying to look good, and saw the clock ticking away. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36... I managed to reach the line in 2:39:43. A full 5 minutes faster than I'd planned, and under 2:40 to boot.
6:05 pace, just over 12-seconds per mile faster than I'd planned. And with a few exceptions and a bunch of leg cramps, it was just as easy as I thought it would be. 2:45 would have been easier, for sure, but I'm happy to have run faster. Now I can pay $150 to sign up for the Boston Marathon in 2015, 11 years after my first attempt.
After the race, I got dressed, talked to some people, hung out a little bit eating hot dogs and bratwursts, then got a ride back up to my car from Heidi Johnson. I wouldn't have made it if I'd tried to walk, so thank you to Heidi for being my chauffeur. I didn't have any cell phone service out there, so I just drove home quietly, basking in the mediocrity of my morning's toil.
I'm sure I had planned something profound to say throughout this write-up, but I spent more time writing about the race than I actually spent running it (and almost as much time as I did training for it), so I've lost a bit of steam. Also, writing this over the course of several days is a bad idea... I need to just sit down and get it done, but that's easier said than done.
I ran up and down a single road for 24+ miles, and somehow was never bored. It was great to have company the whole way, which is something that I hope I can recreate in my next marathon, assuming I can convince Charlie Hurt to join me in Hopkinton in 2015. Last time I went to Boston, my PR was 3:00 and I wanted to run 2:48. If my goal were to PR by 12 minutes now... that would be absurd. I'll settle for 32 seconds this time around.
April 2013
The last full marathon that I attempted was Chicago in October 2012. I trained really well for that race and ran my PR of 2:26:31 there. Afterwards, I said that I probably wasn't going to run any marathons in 2013, instead focusing on school and family. Then this happened one Monday afternoon in Massachusetts. I've already run the Boston Marathon once in 2004 (my second and slowest marathon ever), but I've always known I had unfinished business there. But I also had the sense to know that 2014 was going to be a chaotic year in Boston with a tremendous field of people who really had unfinished business-- some of whom need to cross that line for the first time, others who have something to stand up for that is bigger than themselves. I'm also going to have a 7-month old baby at that point, so realistically I knew that training for something that serious wasn't in the cards. So instead, I'll take a 19-month old baby from Logan to the Government Center in April 2015.Unfortunately, my time in October 2012 wouldn't last until the sign-ups for a 2015 race, so I found myself without a Boston Qualifier. Not a problem, as Parker Lewis would say. The qualifying time of sub-3:05 isn't an issue for me. I just needed to find a race to run. Enter Three Bridges. It is in Charlottesville, it is an easy course that is advertised as being a Boston qualifier, and I would likely be able to round up some company for different segments of the race since Ragged Mountain volunteers at the event. I think I made this decision sometime in the late spring, certainly before the Men's 4 Miler. But with the anticipated crowds in Boston in the years to come following the bombing, I worried about getting in with just a qualifying time. Luckily, a few years ago they started an early registration period. Runners with a BQ of 20+ minutes faster than the standard could sign up 2 days early. So that was my goal. 2:44:59. 6:17 pace. Not a problem, I thought. I remember I was particularly cocky about it early on in this thought process, to the point that I think I actually offended some of my more marathon-novice teammates. Oh well. It shouldn't be hard to run a 2:45 when you've run 2:26 recently enough. Eventually, I realized that running a 2:45 would be very easy if I were in 2:26 shape, which wasn't going to happen. I was having a baby and training was not going to completely dominate my fall. So I settled on getting into something like 2:35 shape or something else arbitrary and decided I could do this off of 16 weeks of training.
That 16 weeks began on August 19. I went running with a group of RMR people who met me early to say goodbye to Chris Post as he moved to Florida. I ran 7 days that week. In fact, I ran 11 days in a row. That shouldn't be a big deal but I'd been pretty lazy in August after getting back from Texas. That first day off was because I was very sick and heavily medicated. I'm sure it was hot too, and I didn't feel like waking up early to run. I didn't run a full 7-day week again until the week of October 28-November 3. Those were the ONLY two full weeks that I ran this entire time. I never took more than 2 days in a row off, except for the 3 days around Henry's birth where I didn't sleep either. I almost ran all seven days the week leading up to the actual race, but took the day off before the race because I thought it would be absurd to run 7 days that week.Now, you marathon beginners, don't read this next part and think "Hey I should try to run a marathon like that." It's not smart. I'll list my mileage for each of the 17 weeks (since the race was postponed) and include in parenthesis the longest run of that week-- be it a workout or a long run.
56.11 (12.52), 52.30 (15.04), 58.61 (16.22), 37.26 (10.33), 34.27 (12.34 - workout), 45.92 (10.61 - workout), 52.72 (16.20), 58.21 (18.42), 55.51 (18.35), 52.30 (21.63), 57.78 (20.09), 49.24 (18.49), 50.16 (22.34), 49.46 (18.01), 46.58 (12.25), 31.94 (10.45), 54.44 (26.2 - race).
That is 842.81 miles in 17 weeks. Contrast that to the 17 weeks prior to Chicago where I ran 1,171.07 miles. I had 9 days off in those 17 weeks with 7 of them in a row while on vacation. So kind of only 2 days off while training for Chicago. I took 22 off for Three Bridges. Anyway, the point is, I did not train very hard.
So who wants to hear about the race? Ok, maybe soon. Last week the race got postponed and I realized that my blog had lost 40% of its readership when two people texted me this week to ask me how it had gone. So I "trained" for one more week, including two runs with the jogging stroller, and was starting to wonder how long my "fitness" was going to hold up. I hadn't done anything hard since the Turkey Trot. Hopefully suffering through a 5k at 5:06 pace would be a good indicator that I could run 6:17 pace for close to 3 hours. Aside from the fact that I had to continue to run for another week instead of staying home with my baby and eating nachos all week while studying for my exams, the biggest blow from the race delay was that Charlie Hurt wasn't going to be able to pace me during the last half of the race. I would certainly miss my best friend, and his shoes are big ones to fill.
Helpful Friends
Luckily, I had a lot of help on Sunday. I am tremendously grateful to have had company from Rachel Ward for the first 7 miles, Seth Hutchinson from mile 6 to 18 (is that right, Seth?), Alec Lorenzoni from mile 8 to 19 (with a small break in the middle), Cass Girvan from mile 13 to 19, and Lee Gabler from mile 18 to the finish. You five made the morning so much more enjoyable than it could have been. I can't even begin to talk about the race without making sure that every last one of the people who haven't stopped reading this boring post knows that I couldn't have done it without each one of you. So thank you. I owe you each a drink. And Rachel, yes, you actually owe me the pleasure of watching you drink that drink. No flaking.Race Day
Back to my story. After postponing the race for some sort of snow emergency, it was looking to be pretty cold on race day. The day before, they were calling for lows in the 20s during race time. So I was anticipating wearing full-tights and a t-shirt with gloves. The night before I started to worry about being over dressed, and luckily packed alternatives. The morning of the race was perfect. Mark said that temperatures were 37 and 41 degrees at each end of the course. How he knew that, I'm not sure, because he must've measured them at 3am with his own thermometer, because I didn't have any cell service out there.I arrived at the race site at 6am and was one of the first few cars there. I was directed to park at the far end of the White Hall Vineyards property and then began the almost three-quarters mile walk to the portapotties. Using my cell phone as a light, I relieved myself and caught a ride back to the parking area with some strangers who were smarter than I am and stopped at the bathroom on their way in and then were able to park closer to the starting line by arriving at the parking area later. The early bird caught no worm today. So then I walked back to my car and changed into my warm up clothes and warmed up back to the bathrooms again. I returned to my car barely 10 minutes before race time and was in a frenzy. I hadn't eaten a gel, I wasn't dressed and didn't have on the right shoes. I'd hoped Mark was still parked at the Vineyard to catch a ride, but he was gone already. Luckily someone was driving around offering rides to people and I threw my bag in his car and rode with him and some other strangers (who were lucky enough to sit on each others' laps in the back) to the starting area/bag drop location. After some confusion involving where bags go, I was dressed and on the starting line ready to go. After some debriefing and hoopla at the line, the race was off.
The Race
Yes, I actually ran the race. It probably took me less time to do it than it has to write about all the stuff that came before it. If you want to know if the story has a happy ending and you've made it this far, I will tell you that it does. Now hang in there!The race started and soon enough, we had reached the critical 1/2 mile marker in 3:14. Rachel was worried that we'd gone out too fast despite having been dropped hard by Dave Hryvniak and Charlie Ban. I think there may have been another person or two in front of us at the time, but I forget. Passing the cars, I saw several had left their lights on inside. I felt bad for them and wondered if they would stop to turn them off if they noticed. Rachel, being far more altruistic than I am, wondering if she should try to turn them off for them. I asked Rachel how long she was going to run with me and she was unwilling to commit to a number, simultaneously fearing and embracing the unknown that was our quest. It was at this point that I realized that the race was about to be a total disaster... I'd forgotten to put Body Glide onto my upper body! I couldn't stop at my car to get it because, a) I didn't have my keys and b) the Body Glide was in my bag (with my key.) This didn't end up being a problem during the race, but it has certainly made showering a problem for the past few days since... Past the cars we found ourselves under attack by two loose dogs. My company at the time assured me that she was a dog whisperer, but it didn't sound like a whisper to me when the dog was barking and biting at our heals. This distraction almost caused me to slip on the lightly snow-covered dirt road, but I managed to hold my ground and not ruin the day in the first mile.
That mile was reached in 6:31 and I was satisfied. The second mile was rolling dirt hills followed by a long descent down to Sugar Hollow Road, where I'd spend the next several hours of my life. I missed the marker out of ignorance or excitement by the crowd welcoming us to the playground and headed west for the first of my four trips towards 2/3 of the race's namesake and a bright orange cone marked "4/10/16/22". Rachel and I hit the 3 mile mark in 12:31, indicating that our pace had picked up somewhere, but that we were also right where we belonged. This mile marker comes at the base of a small hill and would ultimately be the one mile most resembling my intended pace throughout the morning. We were running in 3rd place, and after crossing the western-most bridge the second time, we were overwhelmed by two unusually warm pockets of air. We both noticed it and commented on how strange it was, but that was the last I'd feel it. We saw the race leaders, Dave and Charlie, coming back to us, and Dave had a small lead.
Around the cone and 6:12 for mile 4, I was happy. Rachel said that we should slow it down as the miles heading east would be easier and faster, so we should be careful. The pre-race information sheet even said the same thing, so it must have been true. Heading back up the hill, we ran a 6:02, so I found myself inclined to agree with her! Before the next mile, we picked up Seth coming through the finish line area. Just before mile 6, there was a woman reading a book in a chair on the side of the road. I asked her what page she was on, and decided that she would be an excellent distractor during the race to keep myself in check. So she was on page 219 as we hit a 6:08 6th mile. I was a little bit concerned that we were running so far under pace and encouraged my entourage to scale it back a little bit. Approaching the eastern bridge, Seth and Rachel took the lead and let me slip onto their shoulders for some drafting. We saw that Dave's lead on Charlie had decreased a little bit as we headed towards the 7th mile. Being my first trip East that morning, I had no idea how quickly this mile was coming and I forgot that I wanted to take a gel. Having 3 GUs in my back pocket was a little uncomfortable on the starting line, so Rachel was carrying one for me. When I announced that I needed to take one (more for myself than to anyone else), she was anxious to give it to me and had trouble getting it opened. Now, I'm not completely helpless and could have opened it myself, but again, I said that Rachel is very selfless and actually stopped to get someone to open it for her before handing it to me. The whole ordeal was a bit over the top and I'm happy to say that the rest of my supplements didn't require such an effort throughout the day.
Shortly after this turnaround, Rachel decided that she'd had enough of these fast miles and decided she was going to join Nicole's pace group instead. I was not long without a third amigo, however, as when we arrived at the starting line area, Alec joined the party. I informed him that we'd just run an 6:06 8th mile and that the woman who was reading had somehow mysteriously not known what page she was on when we ran by. She fumbled for an answer and started flipping pages trying to figure it out. Seth and I didn't know what to think of it; was she embarrassed of her reading speed? Either way, my measurement standard was out the window. Running away from the finish area and towards the hill at mile 3/9/15/21, we finally found our pace! 6:17 for mile 9! Hooray! I was satisfied to have built a large buffer for my pace and happy to be settling into my planned running speed. The three of us headed across the western bridge and saw that Dave and Charlie were now running even with each other. We encouraged them to work together, but I was letting my imagination run wild with the possibility of the two of them hammering each other to bits, leaving me to pick up the pieces over the last 10k and roll away with the victory. Then all of the sudden we ran another 6:05! What the heck?! How come we can't run slower?
Well, we've reached 10 miles now in 62 flat, 55 seconds ahead of schedule. Not bad, a good cushion for when I expected to inevitably blow up at the end and start walking or something. The next three miles are uneventful as we head East to the half-way point. My reader isn't reading her book anymore and we cruise through in 6:03, 6:06, and 6:05. As we get towards the end, we see that Charlie Ban has taken sole possession of the lead and that Dave has fallen very far back. It must have been a rough few miles for him since mile 10. It occurs to me all of the sudden that we're almost half-way through, and I feel like we've only just started to run. That's the beauty of the marathon though... Alec jumps ship to go help Dave out and Seth and I pick up Cass at mile 13. Cass had already been on the course earlier taking some photos, and provided some new energy in the group with tales of his Saturday night escapades.
Second Half
I took a GU as we went through 14 in 6:10. Cass has helped us resume control of the pace and we're heading in the right direction. At the finish area, Alec joined us again as Dave had dropped out. With the leader running alone, I wonder if he too will pay the price for the hot early pace and start coming back to me. Our 6:18 15th mile did not indicate that he would be. Cass dropped back at this point to rest for his second two-mile interval he would do with us, so it was still me, Seth and Alec. We were having a nice Sunday long run. The leader extended his lead coming back around the western cone and I started to doubt that I'd catch him after all. He looked like he was working pretty hard, but he also looked like he was running pretty fast. The 16th mile was a 6:05 and I'd pretty much given up worrying about running too fast at this point. We were running consistently and it didn't seem that hard, so I just conceded to the pace.The next mile was by far the hardest. I started to feel a pain behind my left knee that I was unfamiliar with, and my left foot was starting to feel the burn of the pavement. I kept this to myself as we headed up the hill to pick up Cass again, and then it made perfect sense as to why I was in pain... sub-6. I did not want to run any sub-6 miles today, but there I was at mile 17 with a 5:57. I told my three amigos that we needed to back off. So heading into the finish area, Seth said goodbye and we picked up Lee at Mile 18 (two miles earlier than I was expecting him!), which we reached in a more controlled 6:03.
Going back out east, the leader was even further ahead than before. This was when I really accepted the fact that I wouldn't be winning this race. I mean, I'd already accepted that the day before and the weeks before when I found out that Dave was going to run it and run it hard, so it wasn't that big of a concession. Still, you get out there and things happen, and now I really felt like I was running for second place. (Spoiler alert: third place ran 3:23.)
Mile 19 would be the last mile with Cass and Alec. Rounding that cone for the second to last time after an accelerated 5:55, I felt a really big pull in my right hamstring. I actually hobbled through the next few strides to regain my composure, as this was not what I wanted to happen. I knew I was way ahead of things and told myself that it would be OK to slow down if I needed to so that I wouldn't cramp up badly and could at least finish the race. Heading back in, Lee and I wondered where Nicole was. We didn't notice her on our way through mile 20 (6:05) and assumed that the marathon had claimed another RMR runner.
10K Race
So here I was at mile 20 with Lee. 10,000 meters to go. My total time was 2:02:51. I had 43 minutes and 8 seconds to cover that distance. My legs were hurting and I knew I still had to turn around a cone two more times. Perfect time to decide to phone it in the rest of the way. I could run 6:55s the rest of the way and make it just fine. But that's why we get out of bed in the morning. Sure, I planned to run no faster than 2:44:59 and just cruise through the 6:17s all day long, but that just isn't how the morning had unfolded. Clearly I was supposed to go faster. I wasn't going to win the race but that doesn't mean I couldn't enjoy myself the last few miles. So I said in the back of my head, "Let's see if I can go under 2:40." I didn't even really do the math to figure out if it was possible or what I needed to do, I just made a new goal and went for it.Mile 21 had been my slow mile all day long. I don't know what it was the first time, but then I'd run 6:17 and 6:18 on my other two passes. This time was a 6:03. Better. 5 to go. Going into the penultimate cone, I did not want to cramp up, so I backed off as I approached it and pretty much walked around it in a 6:07. I tell Lee that we've just missed the Olympic Trials "A" standard by running 2:15:03, regardless of the fact that we still have 4.2 miles to go. Geez, that is daunting. OK, good, those are all the slow miles, out of the way. Running east is faster, so let's go. Over the western-most bridge for the last time, my shoe came untied. I'd been watching it for miles and this is just when it happened. Great. I'm going to have to fix that. Back up the hill for the last time to mile 23, 5:46! Nice! Perfect time to stop and tie the shoe, since I just earned some cushion. Lee took my gloves so that I wouldn't have to waste extra time while stationary and we were back on the move. Going through the finish area, I felt like I was finally running, and I was just focused! The next time I'd see this place, I'd be finished.
Half-marathon runners are walking around on the course now, some heading back to their cars after the tailgating. I hit mile 24 in 5:53, including a break to tie my shoe. I should have clocked that too, just so I'd know how fast I actually ran that mile in. If I were really racing, I'd be finished already. Over the eastern bridge, cars are coming behind me trying to leave, but I take the tangent in front of them. Hit me now if you want to, I dare you. I tell Lee that I'm going to walk around the cone at 25 just because I can feel the lateral motions catching up with me and my right quad is starting to lock up too. The chalk arrows on the ground all morning have been directing us to go clockwise around the cone, directions I've obeyed on the East side up until this point. My obvious flight to the right confuses the volunteers, who start shouting at us curious as to whether we're race participants or not. I ignore them, split another 5:43, come to a complete stand-still, and then slowly lurch back forward like an earthworm inching across the sidewalk. Last one. Let's go. The gloves are coming off. Literally.
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Getting there |
After the race, I got dressed, talked to some people, hung out a little bit eating hot dogs and bratwursts, then got a ride back up to my car from Heidi Johnson. I wouldn't have made it if I'd tried to walk, so thank you to Heidi for being my chauffeur. I didn't have any cell phone service out there, so I just drove home quietly, basking in the mediocrity of my morning's toil.
I'm sure I had planned something profound to say throughout this write-up, but I spent more time writing about the race than I actually spent running it (and almost as much time as I did training for it), so I've lost a bit of steam. Also, writing this over the course of several days is a bad idea... I need to just sit down and get it done, but that's easier said than done.
I ran up and down a single road for 24+ miles, and somehow was never bored. It was great to have company the whole way, which is something that I hope I can recreate in my next marathon, assuming I can convince Charlie Hurt to join me in Hopkinton in 2015. Last time I went to Boston, my PR was 3:00 and I wanted to run 2:48. If my goal were to PR by 12 minutes now... that would be absurd. I'll settle for 32 seconds this time around.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Baby on Board
Henry is 12 weeks old this week, and I am home with him on winter break leading up to the Three Bridges Marathon on Sunday. I'd planned to not really run this week after the race last Sunday, but the winter weather has extended my "season" an additional seven days.
So he and I have started running together. On Wednesday, we made our debut with the BOB running stroller that we got from my mom and grandmother as a baby present. I'd planned to go earlier in the day, but being home with him for the whole day is new to me and it took me a lot longer to get out the door than I'd planned. So I ended up waiting until KC got home and the three of us went down to Riverview together. KC started running first and when we caught up to her, she was working very hard to keep up with us. I suppose being away from him all day made it very hard for her to watch me literally run away with him in front of her.
Not wanting to deprive a mother of her child, I slowed down and stayed with her. We ran together for a mile and a half before she turned around and I continued on to the end of the trail. It was colder than I thought it would be, so I had to stop and put on a long-sleeve top that I had in his stroller. We finished in the dark and I wasn't able to see his face, but he was silent and I assumed he'd fallen asleep. It was a good first run together.
Running with the stroller is definitely a different experience. One of the things that I think is supposed to be great about the BOB is the front wheel can be fixed or not. I'm told that you're supposed to run with it fixed, but on the flat, curvy trail at Riverview, it would be impossible to run with the wheel fixed. There are too many turns. So I ran with it not fixed. Hopefully all the running mothers that read this post don't join up in public outcry about me doing something unsafe with my child.
Thursday it was definitely too cold all day for him, so I ran in the evening with Charlie.
Friday, we tried again. I sent out an email to RMR about joining me and had two people say they would come. Only one showed up when we met at Riverview at 11:30. So Melissa and I went running for 5 miles with Henry and the stroller. He was fussy when I got to Riverview, but once we started running he was good to go. It was definitely warmer than Wednesday night, and I was happy that I could see him this time the whole time. It was also nice to get out of the house during the day with him and see another adult human being.
Below are the splits for my two runs with him. I went considerably faster on Friday, but still not very fast at all. Not that I was trying to run fast. It will be interesting to see what it's like when I'm actually trying to put forth an effort and move quickly with him. And it will only get harder as he gets heavier.
Wednesday: 4 miles, 39:08. 10:41, 10:28, 9:04, 8:51. Average 9:46.
Friday: 5 miles, 41:50. 8:58, 8:25, 8:12, 8:08, 8:03. Average 8:22.
I have a long way to go before I'm breaking world records with the baby stroller...
Thursday it was definitely too cold all day for him, so I ran in the evening with Charlie.
Friday, we tried again. I sent out an email to RMR about joining me and had two people say they would come. Only one showed up when we met at Riverview at 11:30. So Melissa and I went running for 5 miles with Henry and the stroller. He was fussy when I got to Riverview, but once we started running he was good to go. It was definitely warmer than Wednesday night, and I was happy that I could see him this time the whole time. It was also nice to get out of the house during the day with him and see another adult human being.
Below are the splits for my two runs with him. I went considerably faster on Friday, but still not very fast at all. Not that I was trying to run fast. It will be interesting to see what it's like when I'm actually trying to put forth an effort and move quickly with him. And it will only get harder as he gets heavier.
Wednesday: 4 miles, 39:08. 10:41, 10:28, 9:04, 8:51. Average 9:46.
Friday: 5 miles, 41:50. 8:58, 8:25, 8:12, 8:08, 8:03. Average 8:22.
I have a long way to go before I'm breaking world records with the baby stroller...
Friday, December 6, 2013
The Three Bridges Marathon has been postponed for a week until December 15. In the past two days, the forecast has worsened to 90% chance of precipitation, high 29, low 28. Not the best conditions for traveling to a race and running on a road that won't see much car or foot traffic beforehand. As of now, the forecast for the 15th is 10% chance of rain, high 44, low 33. Much more ideal.
I'm not exactly happy (not sure if I'm unhappy either) that the race has been delayed, but I appreciate that the decision was made this morning (Friday) as opposed to waiting until late Saturday afternoon. Although looking at the forecast this morning before getting word, I was fairly certain it was going to happen.
So now I've got one more week to taper. It's hard tapering when you are only running 50 miles a week on 6 days anyway. I'll still go run Sunday in the messy weather; we'll see how it goes.
I'm not exactly happy (not sure if I'm unhappy either) that the race has been delayed, but I appreciate that the decision was made this morning (Friday) as opposed to waiting until late Saturday afternoon. Although looking at the forecast this morning before getting word, I was fairly certain it was going to happen.
So now I've got one more week to taper. It's hard tapering when you are only running 50 miles a week on 6 days anyway. I'll still go run Sunday in the messy weather; we'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
"How weird it was to drive streets I knew so well. What a different perspective." - Suzanne Vega
Last year I was running well. 2012 was good to me on my feet. After a PR at the Chicago Marathon, I felt I could transition into fast 5K/8K shape. I didn't. I ran poorly at the Richmond 8K, and poorly on my Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K. Thanksgiving was definitely a low point in my 2012 racing calendar, after entering with high expectations of running a personal best.
This year was different. I was injured a lot. I didn't race much. I was in grad school. We had a baby. My training has been inconsistent and largely independent. Since I'm running a marathon in a week and my training for that has been minimal, I didn't think much of my Thanksgiving-day chances.
It was cold on Thursday morning. 24 degrees when Anne and I left the house for Central Park. It was supposed to be 30 by the time the race started. I started my warm up 80 minutes before the gun to ensure plenty of time for a slow warm up and lots of stretching. An 800m on the track on Tuesday in 2:37 didn't give me much confidence in my sharpness, nor did I feel too limber as a result, so I knew I needed some extra time.
10 minutes before the gun, I emerged from Wegmans' needing to put my stuff into Anne's car. I was wearing my racing clothes, plus a t-shirt and jacket. It was cold. I had to tell myself repeatedly that I was making the right decision about what I chose to wear. As I headed to the line, I prepared myself for what usually happens before these chip-timed RTU races with a starting mat... a line of high school kids telling me that I couldn't get to the line that way and that I'd have to go to the back. That group was missing today (maybe I was too late for them) so I just went to the line. There weren't a lot of people in front of the rope... close to a dozen Kenyan men & women and a few others; Mark Hopely, Robert Reynolds, Nick Oltman, some others I didn't recognize. Jack and Scott were behind the rope. I fell in behind the foreign contingent, and Mark asked me what I was planning to run. I answered him honestly: I was just trying to break 16:30. He was excited by this and suggested we run together. It sounded good to me. I said I'd really just like to run even so that I didn't die a miserable death at the end and embarrass myself in front of my friends and family. He agreed, so we planned on 5:20s. He assured me of an even effort with his Garmin.
The gun went off and things went on as usual. The Kenyans jumped out-- both the men and the women. A bunch of kids went out hard in front of me too. I just tried to stay relaxed as the field ran away from me. It was hard though, as I wasn't too comfortable being behind the women. I quickly calculated the odds of them running under 16:30 and decided I needed to get in front of them or else I was going to go out too slowly. About that time, I saw Silvio Guerra (13:30/27:47/2:09) right in front of the women. I figured he was going to run fast and even, and for some reason I completely threw my race plan out the window and went up to run with him. This was before even getting to Central Park.
Running up on Silvio's shoulder, we were creeping towards the left side of the road as we crossed Fall Hill Avenue. I knew we were going to turn right as we continued into Central Park, so I had no interest in running the longest distance possible. I was on Silvio's left and there was a kid on my right wearing a Mountain View singlet. I pointed over to my right and the kid let me through as I dramatically cut through and darted over to the right side of the road. I think it was a little too extreme, but oh well. I wanted out of the box. All of the sudden I was in 8th place and I felt very alone. There were 2190 finishers behind me and I'm sure plenty of bandits.
I knew that KC and Henry would be near the McDonalds, and when I saw them I waved and yelled hello to him. It was his first time seeing me run so I wanted to make sure I acknowledged him being there. I'm sure he'll remember it one day.
After seeing them, it was all about the race. I'd certainly bit off more than I planned at this point and I was moving. Things were starting to get quiet and I couldn't really hear the masses behind me anymore. Looking up, the leaders were so far ahead, already turning at the Target. But for some reason, no one was running the tangents. What is the deal? I could hear one guy behind me, moving up to me. I started to see the mile marker and didn't want to know. I was so scared it was going to be something like 4:50 or 5:20. I felt like I was running fast, but I was comfortable so I didn't know. I'd run ONE 800 on Tuesday in 2:37 and it was the hardest thing ever, so I had no expectations of being able to run fast. But that's the way that races go. I hit the mile in 5:00 and felt great.
As I felt someone on my shoulder, I glanced to my left and saw the Mountain View singlet. I didn't really feel like getting passed by a high school kid at this point, so I pushed as I made the turn at Target for Chuck E Cheese. It was pretty windy here and definitely cold. I started talking to myself, as the self-doubt about my lack of workouts and fast stuff was starting to creep in. But I know I've been running and doing some easier workouts for 3 Bridges, so I just thought about that; strength equals speed. Just focus on having some good base and hope for the best as the wheels start to fall off towards the end.
Fast forward to Carl D. Silver Parkway, there was a big headwind. Jack said he didn't notice it, but on the cool down he acknowledged it was there. This is when I remembered that it was cold too. The wind had blown the 2-mile marker over, but I saw it written on the ground as I passed through in 10:06. Not bad. I could hear KC yelling at me from the other side of the road, telling me to catch the guy ahead of me. He'd fallen off of the group in front and he was coming back to me quickly. I thought I had a chance to catch him.
10 minutes before the gun, I emerged from Wegmans' needing to put my stuff into Anne's car. I was wearing my racing clothes, plus a t-shirt and jacket. It was cold. I had to tell myself repeatedly that I was making the right decision about what I chose to wear. As I headed to the line, I prepared myself for what usually happens before these chip-timed RTU races with a starting mat... a line of high school kids telling me that I couldn't get to the line that way and that I'd have to go to the back. That group was missing today (maybe I was too late for them) so I just went to the line. There weren't a lot of people in front of the rope... close to a dozen Kenyan men & women and a few others; Mark Hopely, Robert Reynolds, Nick Oltman, some others I didn't recognize. Jack and Scott were behind the rope. I fell in behind the foreign contingent, and Mark asked me what I was planning to run. I answered him honestly: I was just trying to break 16:30. He was excited by this and suggested we run together. It sounded good to me. I said I'd really just like to run even so that I didn't die a miserable death at the end and embarrass myself in front of my friends and family. He agreed, so we planned on 5:20s. He assured me of an even effort with his Garmin.
The gun went off and things went on as usual. The Kenyans jumped out-- both the men and the women. A bunch of kids went out hard in front of me too. I just tried to stay relaxed as the field ran away from me. It was hard though, as I wasn't too comfortable being behind the women. I quickly calculated the odds of them running under 16:30 and decided I needed to get in front of them or else I was going to go out too slowly. About that time, I saw Silvio Guerra (13:30/27:47/2:09) right in front of the women. I figured he was going to run fast and even, and for some reason I completely threw my race plan out the window and went up to run with him. This was before even getting to Central Park.
Running up on Silvio's shoulder, we were creeping towards the left side of the road as we crossed Fall Hill Avenue. I knew we were going to turn right as we continued into Central Park, so I had no interest in running the longest distance possible. I was on Silvio's left and there was a kid on my right wearing a Mountain View singlet. I pointed over to my right and the kid let me through as I dramatically cut through and darted over to the right side of the road. I think it was a little too extreme, but oh well. I wanted out of the box. All of the sudden I was in 8th place and I felt very alone. There were 2190 finishers behind me and I'm sure plenty of bandits.
I knew that KC and Henry would be near the McDonalds, and when I saw them I waved and yelled hello to him. It was his first time seeing me run so I wanted to make sure I acknowledged him being there. I'm sure he'll remember it one day.
After seeing them, it was all about the race. I'd certainly bit off more than I planned at this point and I was moving. Things were starting to get quiet and I couldn't really hear the masses behind me anymore. Looking up, the leaders were so far ahead, already turning at the Target. But for some reason, no one was running the tangents. What is the deal? I could hear one guy behind me, moving up to me. I started to see the mile marker and didn't want to know. I was so scared it was going to be something like 4:50 or 5:20. I felt like I was running fast, but I was comfortable so I didn't know. I'd run ONE 800 on Tuesday in 2:37 and it was the hardest thing ever, so I had no expectations of being able to run fast. But that's the way that races go. I hit the mile in 5:00 and felt great.
As I felt someone on my shoulder, I glanced to my left and saw the Mountain View singlet. I didn't really feel like getting passed by a high school kid at this point, so I pushed as I made the turn at Target for Chuck E Cheese. It was pretty windy here and definitely cold. I started talking to myself, as the self-doubt about my lack of workouts and fast stuff was starting to creep in. But I know I've been running and doing some easier workouts for 3 Bridges, so I just thought about that; strength equals speed. Just focus on having some good base and hope for the best as the wheels start to fall off towards the end.
Fast forward to Carl D. Silver Parkway, there was a big headwind. Jack said he didn't notice it, but on the cool down he acknowledged it was there. This is when I remembered that it was cold too. The wind had blown the 2-mile marker over, but I saw it written on the ground as I passed through in 10:06. Not bad. I could hear KC yelling at me from the other side of the road, telling me to catch the guy ahead of me. He'd fallen off of the group in front and he was coming back to me quickly. I thought I had a chance to catch him.
But the last mile was not kind to me. Heading back towards the Expo Center, we had to take a left onto World Street. I passed Chuck Love, who took some great pictures but mistakenly told me I was in 6th place. The leaders were so far up, he didn't even know it as a spectator. Someone, maybe Chuck, told me the total race time. It was something like 12:20, I don't know, but I remember thinking, "Maybe I'll break 16:30." Just then, the leader went by on the other side of the median and I knew he'd run a fast time.
It was all uphill before we turned around. The guy in 7th place was afforded the opportunity to see me coming, so he stopped phoning it in. Going around the turn I lost a lot of momentum (as would everyone - terrible course decision), but I could also see that Mountain View was not a threat behind me. But that didn't stop me, I was cold and wanted this thing over.
I didn't look at my watch at 3 miles; in fact I actually stopped it there on accident, so I'm glad I didn't look. I forget which buttons do what sometimes since I don't use it much anymore. I could see the clock though, as we continued to run uphill. First it said 15:35. Holy crap! Get there! Go! But that last stretch took forever, and I got to the line in 15:52 after a 5:13 third mile. I immediately grabbed my jacket off the ground by the starting line to warm my frozen lungs.
This is all about perspective. I'm really happy with this race. I don't know the last time I did a fast workout. I certainly haven't done any quick intervals in the last two months. Immediately afterwards I was thrilled. I was going to get $50 for 8th place. I ran hard from the gun and didn't blow up as badly as I could have. I tried to race, even if I was alone most of the way. I was the second American behind Robert Reynolds, last year's winner. The winner, Emmanuel Bor (Alabama alumni, 13:43 5k guy) won in 14:07, an event record. But independent of all outside variables, I was happy with what I did: the decisions I made, how hard I pushed, and the result on the clock.
Last year I ran 1 second faster and was disappointed.
The forecast for Sunday at the Three Bridges Marathon.
This does not look like a fun way to spend my morning. I know I said that if it's raining, I'm not running. Someone is trying to test my mettle for sure. Is a slow, easy marathon worth catching a cold and being sick while I'm staying home with Henry? We'll see. I'm sure I'll do it.
I'm working on a Turkey Trot race report. Maybe this weekend...
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