I planned to run 10 miles this morning, but 2 miles in, I changed course and went to the track. I knew Mark Lorenzoni would be there with his Wednesday morning CTC group and his clipboard of watched-- surely he'd have one to spare on me. Mark gladly agreed to time me for my two 400 meter intervals.
I ran them conservatively (lining up on the left, according to Charlie Hurt) because I'm old and sore all the time, and ran very controlled 70 and 68-second laps. The 68 was less controlled than the 70, so I was relieved it was faster. I had my Garmin running the whole time, but I did not take my own splits or look at my watch at all.
That was it. That's my training for this race, in addition to all the normal training I'm doing. I'm fairly confident I'll break 5 minutes. And that's slow.