Jack just finished up a seemingly life-sentence as the President of the Fredericksburg Area Running Club. While President, Jack brought the Road Runner's Club of America annual conference to Fredericksburg and ushered in a tenure of blissful FARC meetings-- something anyone who had ever
Not creepy at all... |
Historic Half Marathon, Fredericksburg, VA—May 2013
So apparently I am taking up Bert at his offer to guest
blog here. I suppose it’s appropriate as the Marine Corps races are known as
“the peoples’” (at least the marathon is), which means runners of all varieties
are welcome, and it’s not just about elites and the fast runners. I would guess
I’m the slowest guest blogger to post on Bert’s page.
I totally love the Historic Half. It takes up all weekend
for me—volunteering, hanging out at the Expo, going to the dinner the night
before…It’s a great, tough race that covers a lot of ground here in my
home-city of Fredericksburg. It brings in thousands of people—to run, it brings
out thousands of people—to watch, it is terrifically organized, and the Marine
Corps Marathon staff, and the Marines are great friends to the local running
community (if you are not from Fredericksburg, you should know that our running
club, FARC Fredericksburg Area Running Club
co-hosted the national Road Runners Club of America Convention with the MCM in
When the Historic Half came to town in 2008, I thought
this is a race that 15 years from now, I’ll be able to say, I’ve run every one
of them. Ha! Should never have had that thought. Missed year two and year five
with injury, but I was still there to watch, cheer, volunteer, and have fun.
One of my favorite moments was watching Bert win it handily last year—very,
very cool. (Shhh. Don’t tell him I said this).
Anyway, I apparently have the injury bug, so never know
how my running is going to go. Missed five months last year with plantar
fasciitis. But somehow I’ve come back, been running for six months and had a
good spring. In April, I ran my second fastest 15K ever at the J Brian’s in
59:32 (tsk, before you scoff, go back to paragraph one), and decided I needed
to try to step it up, and so needed some training help, to train for the
Historic Half. Went back to my old copy
of Jack Daniels, and realized if you’re elite it trains you for a 10K and then
hang on, or he’ll train you for the marathon. Couldn’t figure out what to do,
so I called Greg Greven.
I think it’s been on Bert’s blog, but maybe not, that
Greg coached Bert to his marathon PR in Arizona. I particularly remember Bert
telling me and others that for one workout leading up to that, he told Greg to “just bury me”. I can’t handle that much, but
definitely needed to step up tempo and interval training. And Greg gave me some
workouts to do.
You’re still wondering if I’m getting to the race right? It’s
coming, I promise. I was at the Historic Half dinner the night before at
Snowden House here in town and most of the talk from the runners and MCM staff
was either about Sean Astin (celebrity runner), or the thunderstorms called for
Sunday morning. Nice event, but quick dinner for me—I have to get up
early...4:00 (oh yeah, I’m a guest blogger and most of you have no idea who I
am—I’m not a morning person—stood Bert and some of our friends up on a Sunday
run a couple of weeks back because they were going at 7:30…and I couldn’t quite
do it). But hey this is the Historic Half, 10,000 runners are coming, and I want
a good parking spot at Wegmans grocery store near the MCM FARC tents). So home
I go.
Next thing I know, there I am. 4:50 race day morning.
Only took 20 minutes from the house since I skipped out on I-95. Wander into
Wegmans for a couple of bananas. Checkout person says I am the official first
customer of the day—I’ll always have that. Plenty of activity, but I got the
good parking spot I wanted, listened to some shoegaze on the car stereo. It’s
foggy, a bit humid, but no downpours, and it just doesn’t look like
Gradually FARC people gather, especially Troy Durocher who
sets up the club tent—this will be huge for post-race, but I tried to be pretty
low key. At 6:15 Pat Early calls, we had arranged to warm up together. Met him
up at the Sheetz on the corner and we run faster than I want, and likely slower
than he wants. I’m stiff, sore, my hamstrings and back are chronic issues and I
never know when they will sabotage me, but race day adrenaline often helps me
out. Pat’s not parked as close, we run to the one mile mark or a bit beyond and
both head back.
Weather is holding. Muggy and probably 60 degrees, but
not too bad. I get to wear the new VA Runner uniform in a race for the first
time and change into that. Great uniform—a vast improvement, especially the
shirt. Never been a fan of the split shorts, but I’m in for the whole thing for
this race. Fifteen minutes to go and I don’t want to go to the starting line
yet…it’s only about 50 yards away. David Lovegrove tells me I’d better, because
of the crowds, so off I go.
Good thing. The Marine volunteers, all of whom are great
and polite, apologize to me when they firmly won’t let me get to the starting
line from the front, but make me go all the way back to the end of the fencing
and work my way up through the crowd. No matter, I didn’t have to stress, and I
got there with five minutes to spare. Find myself standing next to FARC member
and friends Bill Hamilton and Andrew Dolby. Bill and I notice that the
Washington Nationals George Washington mascot is there. Cool.
Look up to the
front and there are Pat Early, Nick Dunford, and Joey Hess in the very front
row. I catch Pat’s eye and he motions me to get up there, but 1) I’m not that
fast, and 2) I need not to get caught up in the anticipation. Pat had told me
he was going out at 6:30 pace (my race goal pace) and then pick it up. I know
this means to stay behind him, because he’ll go out faster.
BAM! That’s the musket for the wheelchair racers. Loud.
Then a minute later we’re off. Lots of adrenaline, but very leery because of my
back and hamstrings…I feel like I can do well, but what will my body say? Lots
of great crowd support in that first mile, easy, easy….hundreds of people
cheering. By mile 1 a lot has changed and I’m at 6:28—a touch faster than I had
planned for the first mile, but not enough to even think about. Up and over the
95 bridge and I’ve caught up to Pat, and we’re joined by Jimmy Hayner and we ease our way down Cowan Boulevard, to see the Semper
Fred 5K runners coming against us on the other side of the road. 1st
place guy, 2nd place… wait that’s FARC member and college-bound Nate
Lasker, son of our great friend Janice, and he’s smiling and thumbs-upping
us—he’s doing well.
Mile two is 6:29. Pretty effortless. So into the
Westbrook subdivision we go. I’m not crazy about it. I know there is a long
uphill, relatively steep, it can sap early momentum. Meanwhile Pat is talking,
narrating our journey really, but very upbeat positive. He’s already saying,
look some of these guys are coming back to us. But, the best part is when he
“Hope you guys don’t mind me flapping my gums. Just
trying to channel Bert here.”
Me: “you don’t have a chance of talking that much!”
(Not making this up for the blog)
Mile 3 is 6:39, but significant uphills in Westbrook so
all if good. Out of the subdivision and into the nice long downhill of William
Street before the Blue-Gray Parkway. Some random voice says we are #’s 42 and
43 in the race. Really? Only a non-runner thinks of that just past the 5K in a
From the start, Pat and I are on a pattern. I catch him
or go ahead on downhills; he catches or goes ahead on uphills. When the road
flattens we are pretty much running side by side. I’m feeling pretty good, but don’t trust my
legs, but I don’t feel like I’m working too hard, and that’s good. In the
meantime we chat up a guy in a green shirt who tells us he’s too fast at the 5K
mark, but hangs with us. He and Pat are very positive in their conversation…I
realize that talking is just a bit harder for me now.
I get a 6:05 for mile 4. Hmm. Lots of downhill, but
didn’t seem to work that hard. Not sure if that’s accurate but don’t want to
work that hard if it is. Next mile is 6:40. Pat thinks the course is off,
because that was downhill and onto the flat of Sunken Road. Don’t know about
the course, but we’re rolling, passing a few people, and Pat is right about
runners coming back to us. Sunken Road, Kenmore Avenue, these are the roads we
run on all the time, and they move by with good spectator turnout. At one point
someone yells “Go Jack” and yes, we’ve heard it before. Pat says, “you should
run for public office you’re so popular:” I say “I’m so popular because I don’t
take a public stand on anything besides running”. (And I’m not that popular,
I’ve just been in town for a long enough time).
At the six mile mark we’re at 38:42. I’m okay with that,
but realize I want to be just a bit faster. I stop at the water stop because
I’ve never been able to drink on the run. Pat goes ahead as has been the case,
but this time we have a slight uphill not too far past the 10K mark and I don’t
catch up. As it turns out, ever. My legs are okay at this point, but I’m
thinking they aren’t that strong. Miles 7 and 8 through downtown have good
crowds and I turn out to have run 6:22 pace for those miles. But by now I’m
running by myself. Had a hand slap with a Bodyworks gym guy as I turned the
corner on Amelia Street, and then alone until the 10 mile mark. Feel like I’m
holding up, but I’ve slowed slightly—6:29, 6:28…no real time in the bank for
Hospital Hill.
One thing I’m always surprised by is being able to
recover after Hospital Hill. Once I get to level ground on Cowan, I really feel
a bit stronger and perk up. Whatever band was out there was playing Rolling
Stones both coming and going (all day?). They were on She’s So Cold on the return and I have no idea why I notice, but it
made me laugh. Between the turn off
Hospital Drive and the I-95 bridge I pass three guys running the Half (10K
people are out there too), including the guy in the green shirt from the 5K
mark who had been well ahead for some time. This is something that always seems
to happen in this race. I think it’s the home course advantage. Up the Cowan
Boulevard hill, which a lot of people say bothers them more than hospital, but
not me. Nice shout out from Katie A. of Off Da Couch Training, and her group at
the top of the hill. 6:37 for mile 12—not great, but mildly reassuring that I
wasn’t completely dead yet.
And suddenly there are a bunch of 10K runners and
walkers. There’s something about the increased road traffic, and the increased
crowds that makes me refocus, and I can feel I’m picking it up a bit. Head up,
move my arms. Head up, move my arms. Got nothing left in my legs. Once I cross
Fall Hill and curve pass the Sheetz, it is truly a great feeling—big crowd, I
can see the finish line, I can hear Marc Goldman of MCM talking about the
winner…I’m not sure I actually picked up the pace here, but I definitely picked
up my attitude. Mile 13 was 6:19, and pushed into a final time of 1:25:12.
Exactly 6:30 pace which I had set as my goal (secret goal was about 1 minute
faster, but this is a tough course).
Turns out I finished 24th overall and ran my
fastest time on this course, 11 seconds faster than the inaugural race. Won my
age group. Would have been 3rd master, but they don’t go three deep
in Masters anymore. I don’t mind. It’s my fastest half in 3 ½ years. I trained
hard and didn’t hurt myself and ran a solid race. Can’t ask for anything more.
Immediate post-race highlight was being greeted by MCM
Race Director Rick Nealis at the finish line. I have come to know Rick over the
course of our RRCA Convention connection. Rick is a rock star in American
running events, and also a great guy. A pleasure and a privilege to know him,
and to have him come over and congratulate me on the race was very, very cool.
On to the FARC post-race tent and get together where the
rest of the morning was spent watching other finishers, swapping race stories,
and re-hydrating. A great end to a great
weekend and a great race.
Thanks Bert for the invite to blog, and if you read this,
thanks for indulging me.
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